
The events and actions will include the arrival of the 'Euromarches' against unemployment and austerity, an open dialogue between parliamentarians, migrants and social movements to challenge Fortress Europe, and conferences on social dumping, TTIP, CETA and TiSA, among many others.

The programme appears below.

MEPs involved will include:
Eleonora Forenza, Italy
Marina Albiol Guzman, Spain
Lola Sanchez Caldentey, Spain
Malin Björk, Sweden
Miguel Urbán Crespo, Spain
Neoklis Sylikiotis, Cyprus
Helmut Scholz, Germany
Tania Gonzalez, Spain


in cooperation with Altersummit, Euromarches, D19-20 & others

Thursday 15 October:

Demonstration surrounding the EU summit: No to Austerity, Poverty and damaging trade deals (TTIP, CETA, TiSA)
With all the GUE/NGL delegation to the Brussels Action Days, staff and guests
Organised by D19-20,  Euromarches, Altersummit, and others

19:30 – 22:00
Workshop 1: TTIP, CETA, with an ISDS, what does it mean for our social rights ? What does it mean for our sovereignty?
La Quincaillerie, salle des piliers, 66 rue du Viaduc, 1050 Ixelles
Interpretation : French, English, Spanish

Even if 97% of the people that answered to the Commission's official consultation on ISDS in TTIP rejected any inclusion of this mechanism , the Commission continues with its proposal for an ISDS in TTIP, in CETA and other agreements. What are the possible consequences of such a mechanism for human rights, for social and environmental rights ? On the other hand, the US Congress has stated that TTIP has to exclude any BDS (products manufactured in Israël). How is this hurting the possibility of an autonomous foreign policy of the EU and the Member states ?   Those will be among the topics presented in this workshop that is a dialogue among experts, parliamentarians, and NO-TTIP campaigns in Europe.

– Alfred de Zaya, Independent expert of the United Nations
– David Cronin, journalist and researcher
– Elena Mazzoni co-spoke person of the NO-TTIP Italy network
– MEPs: Lola Sanchez (Podemos), Helmut Scholz (Die Linke) and Eleonora Forenza (L'Altra Europa), Tania Gonzalez (Podemos)
And among participants: Rosa Rinaldi (Altra Europea), Tom Kucharz (Ecologistas en Acción); Valentina Bradbury (TEJE)

Organised by GUE/NGL, NO-TTIP campaign

Friday 16 October

9:30 – 12:30
Workshop 2: Dialogue between parliamentarians, undocumented people and social movements “How to counter Fortress Europe”

La Quincaillerie, salle des piliers, rue du Viaduc 66, 1050 Ixelles
Interpretation : French, English, Spanish

The open dialogue between EU parliamentarians, migrants and social movements will focus on the situation for undocumented migrants in Europe, in light of the new EU directives to increase deportations and detentions, extend the mandate of Frontex, and deport hundreds of thousands of refugees 'within weeks'. What does this mean for undocumented migrants? How will it affect their everyday life? How should the civil society act to best resist these new policies? How do we build resistance against the racial profiling that will effectively increase with these policies?

– Coordination des Sans-Papiers en Belgique, SOS migrants, Belgium, Euromarches;
– International Coalition of undocumented and migrants, Italy and France
– Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM)
– Ciré/Migreurop
– GUE/NGL MEPs Malin Björk (Vänster), Marina Albiol (IU), Eleonora Forenza (L'Altra Europa), Miguel Urbán (Podemos)

Organised by GUE/NGL, SOS migrants, Coordination des Sans-Papiers

19:00 – 22:00
European Political Meeting

Salle Paul-Emile Janson, Campus Solboch, avenue Roosevelt, Brussels
– GUE/NGL MEPs: Marina Albiol, Eleonora Forenza
With the whole GUE/NGL delegation and guests

Saturday 17 October

Workshop 3: Common struggle in defence of public health services – exchange of national experiences

9:00 – 13:00
Chaussée de Haecht 23, 1210 Brussels

This workshop is an exchange among associations, networks, and movements and parliamentarians that, in different countries, are active in the fight for the right to health, and particularly against the privatisation of healthcare and social protection. We would like to discuss together how we can develop and strengthen a strategy to link our local mobilisations, and bring them also at the European level. After sharing our experiences, we will brainstorm around a strategy and discuss a plan to strengthen our alliances and collaboration at the European level.

With : 
– Sara Simoes and Carla Prino, Precarios inflexiveis (Portugal)
– Marea blanca (Spain)
– Gay Lee, Keep Our NHS Public (UK)
– Martine Billard (Parti de Gauche, France)
– GUE/NGL MEPs: Estefania Torres (Podemos), Eleonora Forenza (Altra Europa) (tbc)

Organised by: Plate-forme d'action santé et solidarité,  GUE/NGL         

14:00 – 17:00
Demonstration against Austerity, poverty,  TTIP and other free trade deals
Departure: Place Luxembourg (Meeting of GUE/NGL delegation and guests with banners from front of Café “De Ketje” at 14:20)
With all the GUE/NGL delegation to the Brussels Action Days, staff and guests

More conferences and activities detailed here:         WWW.OX15.EU      

GUE/NGL MEPs are available for interviews and photos will be available after the events.

Nikki Sullings +32 483 035 575
Gay Kavanagh +32  473 842 320

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