

The Left group and the Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) are happy to announce that the six-month mutual observer status of the M5S has ended and that both sides have forged a lasting relationship based on shared political values, following a unanimous decision made in the group’s bureau meeting today. 

Members of the Left group and the Movimento 5 Stelle have agreed upon political principles that together they will advocate for fair pay and better conditions for working people, ambitious climate action, oppose all austerity policies and fight against the far-right and their hateful, racist, and sexist ideas that undermine peace and democracy. 

The Left co-chair Martin Schirdewan said “Over the past six months, the Movimento 5 Stelle have been partners in our fight for working people and against the far-right and now, we are happy to know that they will become permanent members of our group. They enthusiastically signed on to the principles of our group’s founding documents and have been strong allies for a Europe that refuses austerity, promotes strong climate action, and creates the conditions of justice for working people.”   

The Left co-chair Manon Aubry said “We are very pleased to have the Movimento 5 Stelle delegation fully integrated into the Left Group in the European Parliament. Together with our allies in Sinistra Italiana and Movimento 5 Stelle, we will rebuild the foundations of a Left that does not compromise and that offers a real alternative for the future in the face of the far right’s rise across Europe. We will continue to defend workers’ rights, fight for immediate climate action, and oppose all austerity measures.”

Head of the M5S delegation in the European Parliament, Pasquale Tridico said: “Europe stands at a pivotal crossroads: it must defend its citizens or face potential disintegration. We require peace to combat the ideology of war, investments to make our industries competitive and save jobs, and reforms to reduce energy prices. It will take all our determination to win these battles for social justice, human rights, sustainable development, fight against poverty and inequality. Our commitment in the European Parliament remains steadfast within the Left group.”

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Manon Aubry

La France Insoumise

Pasquale Tridico

Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S)

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