



Revealing the Judgement of the Permanent People’s Tribunal on the Turin-Lyon high speed Rail link: Unsustainable useless large infrastructure projects: Stop the waste of Money

Welcome Speech: Merja Kyllonen, MEP GUE NGL Coordinator in Transport committee

Delivery of the Judgement to the European Institutions to Vice Presidents of the EP

  • Dimitrios Papadimoulis and Ulrike Lunacek
  • Skype link with Nicoletta Dosio and Alberto Perino, NO TAV Movement, Italy

Fundamental rights, participation of local Communities and large infrastructure projects

Introductions by:

  • Curzio Maltese, MEP GUE NGL in Transport & Tourism Committee (moderator)
  • Philippe Texier, Honorary Magistrate of the French Supreme Court of Appeals, PPT Vice-president, Chair of the November 2015 PPT session in Turin
  • Livio Pepino, Former Italian Magistrate, Public Prosecutor in the November 2015 PPT session in Turin
  • Eleonora Forenza, MEP GUE NGL Head of the Italian Delegation

Interventions by:

  • Thomas Dubreuil, Avocat, Notre Dame des Landes Committee, France
  • Victor Pachon, CADE Committee, Pays Basque du Nord, France
  • José Bové, MEP The Greens in the Agriculture and Control of Budget Committee
  • Ruut-Maaria Rissanen, best practices in infrastructures in Tampere Region, Finland
  • Mike Geddes, Professor, representative of the ‘Stop High Speed 2 committee’, UK
  • Marco Valli, MEP 5 Stars Movement in the Budget and Control of Budget Committee
  • Paolo Prieri, Stop Unnecessary Imposed Mega Projects Forum, EU
  • Italo Di Sabato, Osservatorio sulla Repressione, Italy
  • Daniela Aiuto, MEP 5 Stars Movement in the Transport & Tourism Committee

Debate and interventions by Mayors of the Val di Susa

Conclusions by Curzio Maltese


The report


 From the Lyon-Turin high-speed rail to the global reality



For more information please contact: Roberto Lopriore +3222832387 [email protected]