Peace & Solidarity
Whether it is working for fair policies towards developing countries or maintaining pressure on the EU over human rights abuses against Palestinians or other oppressed groups, we are relentlessly pursuing a Europe that forges positive relations with the rest of the world. We have been instrumental in highlighting the dangers of the current trade policy, an affront to democracy that only serves the interests of multinational corporations. Foreign and security strategies must be based on peace, as opposed to the current militarisation trend.
Feminism & Migration & Rights & liberties
Fortress Europe: How the EU’s New Security Agenda Weaponizes Migration and Endangers Fundamental Rights
In the news & Peace & Solidarity
Ceasefire in Gaza: The Left welcomes peace, calls for justice
Migration & Rights & liberties
International Migrants Day: The Left condemns Commission greenlight for pushbacks
Environment & Rights and liberties
The Left Calls for Putting People First with Fair and Rapid Disaster Relief
Democracy & Ethics & Feminism & Rights & liberties
On our social media