European Parliament – Brussels
The Transnational Forum on Alternatives to Uberisation will bring together hundreds of workers, lawyers, trade unionists and experts on uberisation from across the European Union and around the world.
While Europe is still reeling from the “Uber Files” revelations, the Forum will be an opportunity to bring the voices and demands of the people most concerned – the platform workers themselves – to Brussels’ corridors of power to counterbalance the intensive lobbying of the platforms. The Forum will also take stock of developments to date in the fight for platform workers’ rights and in particular the need to ratify the Directive on improving working conditions in platform work.
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Livestream available the 08/09 at 9:00 am
8:30 Meeting point on the Esplanade Solidarność of the European Parliament for participants who do not have an access badge.
9:00 Welcome speech
MEPs Leïla Chaibi and Idoia Villanueva Ruiz
Video from Yolanda Diaz, Spanish labour minister
09:35 The fight against Uberisation, a presumption of employment for all
Valérie Labatut, labour inspector from CGT
Riccardo Mancuso, riders x diritti
Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary at ETUC
A worker from the Gorillas struggle in Berlin (tbc)
10:35 Artificial intelligence and algorithmic management: can my boss be a robot?
Antonio Casilli, researcher, writer of “Waiting for robots”
Jessica Pidoux, researcher of DigiProject
Rafael Mayoral, Member of the Spanish Parliament
Luz Myriam Fique Cardenas, UnidApp
11:35 Uber Files: Keynote of Damien Leloup
Damien Leloup, journalist of Le Monde, ICIJ media partner
11:55 Presentation of the international taxis’ mobilisation on the Uber Files
Sam Bouchal, spokesperson of Brussels Federation of Taxis Alberto Álvarez Vega spokesperson of Elite Taxi, Spain
12:05 Presentation of the International popular enquiry commission on Uberisation
Danielle Simonnet, Member of the French Parliament,
La France insoumise
12:10 Conclusion
12:30 Action Pl. Schuman with European taxi drivers to support the struggle against Uberisation
13:15 Press point with MEPs Leïla Chaibi and Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, at the Schuman roundabout