
European Parliament Brussels ASP 01 G2 | Wednesday 28 June 2017 | 15.00 –  21.00




15.05-15.15 Welcome speech: Mrs Gabi ZIMMER (GUE/NGL President)


15.15- 16.15 Women workers challenges: labour and social protection                                                                                              

 Moderator:       MEP Tania GONZALEZ PENAS


– Mr Nikolaos KOKOLAKIS, General Secretary Hoteliers Trade Union Heraklion, Crete and Vice President of the Board, Panhellenic Federation of Food Workers and Tourism Employees, Greece

– Ms. Ana Mª NUNEZ RODRIGUEZ -ARANGO, Hotel staff worker, Spain  

– Ms. Isabel MONTENEGRO, Trade unionist and worker in the hotel sector, Spain

– Mr. Ernest CAÑADAS MULLOR, Coordinator “Alba Sud”, author of the book “The cleaning hotel staff; stories of precarity (Icaria Ed. Barcelona 2015)

– Ms Lemonia GAGLIA, Labour Inspector at Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity / Labour Inspectorate, Greece  


16.15-17.30 Labour standards and social dialogue                             

Moderator:       MEP Kostadinka KUNEVA


– Ms Minna NURMINEN, International Labour Organisation (ILO)

– Ms Pilar RATO RODRÍGUEZ, Secretary for International trade union action at CCOO Services and President of the European Trade Union Liaison Committee on Tourism (ETLC)

– Ms. Brenda O’BRIEN, Brussels Liaison Manager, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA)

– Ms. Mari Luz CASTELLANOSDepartment of sociology, University of Valladolid, Spain

– Mr. Nikolaos ZOITOS, General Director of the Hellenic Hotel Federation


17:30-18:00        Conclusions: Round table – MEPs                                        


18.30-21:00       Film projection “La mano invisible – The invisible hand ES-EN subtitles 


Moderator:       MEP Lola SÁNCHEZ CALDENTEY  

Guests:             David Macián (Director)

Conclusions:     MEP Tania GONZÁLEZ PEÑAS



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