
Another Energy for Another Europe

27/04/2016  16:30-18:30   ROOM ASP 1G2



Opening of the hearing by Neoklis Sylikiotis  – 16:41 (GUE/NGL – Cyprus)
I. panel – Energy Union – State of play 

Opening of the I. panel by  Xabier Benito 16:48  (GUE/NGL – Spain)
10 minutes speeches by

Tadzio Müller  16:52  (Consultant for energy policy, Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation – Germany)
Georgios Shammas  17:00 (Member of ACER Administration Board – Cyprus)
Alfons Perez  17:12  (Debt Observatory in Globalization – Spain)
followed by Q &A

II. panel – Energy transition from the left perspective 

Opening of the II. panel by Sofia Sakorafa 17:38  (GUE/NGL, Greece) and Cornelia Ernst 17:41 (GUE/NGL, Germany)
10 minutes speeches by
Tassos Kefalas  17:46 (Citizens Network “Waste Mangement conciliation initiative” – Greece)
Haday Lopez  17:56  (Environmental Scientist and active campaigner on interconnections – Spain)
Daan Creupelandt 18:06 Coordinator – Belgium).
followed by Q &A
Closing of hearing by Paloma Lopez  18:29  (GUE/NGL – Spain)

(Interpretation – EN, DE, FR, EL, ES, PT, CZ)

For more information and registration please contact:

[email protected]