

Colombia after the Havana Agreements: Paving the road to Peace

Welcoming: Gabi Zimmer (GUE/NGL President)

Panel 1. Challenges and difficulties in the implementation of the Peace agreements
– Enrique Santiago (Legal Advisor in the FARC-EP Peace Delegation)
– Imelda Daza (Spokewoman and Voces por la Paz MP)
– Ivan Forero (colombian exiled and Member of MOVICE)
–  César Eduardo Loza Arenas (Partido Comunista Colombiano) – President of the Unión Sindical Obrera
Moderator: Marina Albiol (IU)

Panel 2: New Paramilitary groups and victim protection in the post conflict
– Carlos Montoya (Instituto Popular de Capacitación de Medellín)
– Miguel Choza Fernández (OIDHACO)
– Adriana Benjumea (HUMANAS)
Moderator: Tania González Peñas (Podemos)

Panel 3. The European investment in Colombia. Follows ethicals criteria?

– Henriette Geiger, Head of Unit, Development Coordination Latin America and Caribbean (Commission, DEVCO)
– Daniel Munevar is a post-Keynesian economist from Bogotá, Colombia. In 2015 he worked as senior advisor former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis. He was previously fiscal advisor to the Ministry of Finance of Colombia and special advisor on Foreign Direct Investment for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador.
Andrés Gil (Marcha Patriótica) Member of the Asociación Campesina del Valle del Río Cimitarra – ACVC
Moderator: Joao Pimenta (PCP)

For more information please contact: [email protected]