
The new GUE/NGL group now has 52 MEPs, of which half are women.

Gender equality is a key priority for the Left, and the enlarged group, which was officially constituted yesterday in Brussels, will continue to fight for gender equality and women's rights across Europe.

Full list of GUE/NGL MEPs for the next term of office:

Takis Hadjigeorgiou (AKEL) Cyprus
Neoklis Sylikiotis (AKEL) Cyprus
Kateřina Konečná (KSČM) Czech Republic
Jiří Maštálka (KSČM) Czech Republic
Miloslav Ransdorf (KSČM) Czech Republic
Rina Ronja Kari (Folkebevægelsen mod EU) Denmark
Merja Kyllönen (Vas) Finland
Patrick Le Hyaric (Front de Gauche) France
Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Front de Gauche) France
Younous Omarjee (Front de Gauche) France
Marie-Christine Vergiat (Front de Gauche) France
Gabi Zimmer (DIE LINKE) Germany
Thomas Händel (DIE LINKE) Germany
Cornelia Ernst DIE LINKE Germany
Helmut Scholz DIE LINKE Germany
Sabine Lösing DIE LINKE Germany
Fabio De Masi DIE LINKE Germany
Martina Michels DIE LINKE Germany
Stefan Bernhard Eck (Human Environmental Animal Protection Party) Germany
Manolis Glezos (SYRIZA) Greece
Sofia Sakorafa (SYRIZA) Greece
Dimitris Papadimoulis (SYRIZA) Greece
Konstantina Kuneva (SYRIZA) Greece
Giorgos Katrougalos (SYRIZA) Greece
Konstantinos Chrysogonos(SYRIZA) Greece
Martina Anderson (Sinn Féin) Ireland
Liadh Nì Riada (Sinn Féin) Ireland
Lynn Boylan (Sinn Féin) Ireland
Matt Carthy (Sinn Féin) Ireland
Luke Ming Flanagan (Independent) Ireland
Eleonora Forenza (L'altra Europa con Tsipras) Italy
Curzio Maltese (L'altra Europa con Tsipras) Italy
Barbara Spinelli (L'altra Europa con Tsipras) Italy
Cornelis de Jong (SP) The Netherlands
Anne-Marie Mineur (SP) The Netherlands
Anja Hazekamp (Party for the Animals) The Netherlands
João Ferreira (PCP) Portugal
Inês Zuber (PCP) Portugal
Miguel Viegas (PCP) Portugal
Marisa Matias (Bloco Esquerda) Portugal
Willy Meyer (Izquierda Plural) Spain
Paloma Lopez (Izquierda Plural) Spain
Marina Albiol (Izquierda Plural) Spain
Lidia Senra (Izquierda Plural) Spain
Ángela Vallina (Izquierda Plural) Spain
Pablo Echenique Robba (Podemos) Spain
Pablo Iglesias Turrión (Podemos) Spain
Carlos Jiménez Villarejo (Podemos) Spain
Teresa Rodríguez-Rubio Vázquez (Podemos) Spain
Lola Sánchez Caldentey (Podemos) Spain
Josu Juaristi (Bildu) Basque Country
Malin Björk (Vänsterpartiet) Sweden

GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
David Lundy +32 470 85 05 09
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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