
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the twin crime against the Republic of Cyprus: the Greek junta-sponsored coup d’état, which paved the way for the illegal invasion and continuing occupation of 37% of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey. Half a century later, Turkey continues to violate core principles of international law and relevant UN resolutions, most profoundly the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as the human rights of all Cypriots.

The Left stands in solidarity with the Cypriot people, both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, in their effort to reach a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem that will secure the reunification of the island and its people.

The long-agreed framework for the solution, which must be fully respected by all actors involved, provides for a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, as set out in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, with a single sovereignty, a single international legal personality, and a single citizenship. This solution must provide for the termination of the anachronistic system of guarantees and any unilateral intervention rights, and lead to the demilitarization of Cyprus.

Turkey must make the historical decision to end the occupation and work constructively to solve the Cyprus problem. It must stop all provocations and efforts to gain recognition for the illegal secessionist entity in occupied Cyprus and enter into negotiations to peacefully settle this problem. Negotiations must be resumed from where they were left off in 2017 at Crans Montana, with full respect for the UN Secretary-General’s Framework and the acquis of the convergences that had been recorded.

The EU must do more to exert its influence in this direction. The upgrading of EU-Turkey relations must be discussed in conjunction with Turkey’s fulfillment of commitments in the context of its Accession Negotiations Framework and tangible steps for a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem on the agreed basis.

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