
GUE/NGL MEPs are in Ireland this week for the Group's study days which are being held in both Derry and Dublin.

Participating GUE/NGL MEPs* and international guests, including Joe Higgins TD, Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, Rita Fagan (Spectacle of Defiance), Jaqueline Healy  (National Women's Council of Ireland), Declan Kearney (National Chairperson of Sinn Féin), and Jimmy Kelly (UNITE Regional Secretary), will contribute to discussions on: the background to the Troubles and the international dimension of the peace process; cross-community dialogue; abortion rights in Ireland; and austerity and the fightback.

From 13-15 May the study days will take place in the City Hotel, Queens Quay Derry, and from 15-17 May at The Gresham Hotel, 23 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin.

Sinn Féin and the Socialist Party are two of the 17 political parties that make up the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL), a European Parliamentary Group made-up of 34 Members 
hailing from 12 European countries.

Study days are held biannually in different regions by each European Parliamentary Group. It is a chance for MEPs to meet with local activists, experts, and national parties.


GUE/NGL Press Contact Ireland :
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
[email protected]


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