
The GUE/NGL group has welcomed the possible postponement of the draft bill affecting women's sexual and reproductive rights in Spain. “This is a victory for the massive social mobilization against the Popular Party's mandate.”


The decision by the Spanish government is being strongly criticised by catholic and ultra-conservative organisations (including the Spanish Catholic Church), that accuse the government of having gone back on one of its most important electoral commitments.


GUE/NGL MEP Ángela Vallina  said: ” This shows they are playing with women and their rights with an eye on the electoral polls at all times. This is just a partial victory that must be followed by the full withdrawal of the bill and the prompt resignation of the Minister of Justice Mr Alberto Ruíz-Gallardón”.


The draft bill contains some huge, retrograde measures such as a ban on the free interruption of pregnancy during the first fourteen weeks or the reduction of possibilities for abortion in cases of rape as well as the woman's psychological or physical health risks. MEP Vallina, member of the EP Women's Right's Committee, continued: “These measures would also add further restrictions on administrative authorisations that, as result, would encourage backroom abortions as was the usual case many years ago”.


“Women just want to decide when and how they want to become mother, despite patriarchal views,” Vallina concluded.

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