
GUE/NGL MEPs have welcomed Parliament's adoption today of a resolution on the Irish Peace Process.

Irish GUE/NGL MEP Martina Anderson said: “I am delighted that Parliament has voted through this landmark resolution on the implementation of the Irish Peace Process. It urges all parties to the process to work constructively towards a lasting resolution of the conflict and for the Good Friday Agreement and subsequent agreements to be fully implemented.

“This resolution is the result of responsible and meaningful cooperation between MEPs from six political groups in the European Parliament. This resolution now needs to be reflected by the British and Irish Governments as co-guarantors of the Good Friday agreement.”

Anderson also welcomed remarks made by President Schulz at the last Strasbourg session about the European Parliament's readiness to help the Irish Peace Process.

She added: “The EU has been a source of support for the Irish Peace Process, whether through the Barroso Taskforce, which must continue, Peace Funding, and support from Commissioners Delors, Wulf-Mathies, Hübner, Hahn and now Cretu – and I thank you all.”

“The implementation of the Irish Peace Process is at an impasse, and while reconciliation in Ireland will without doubt take a long time I believe it will come – once we all realise that we either lose together or win together,” concluded Anderson.

Irish GUE/NGL MEP Liadh Ní Riada said: “The Irish Peace Process is recognised around the world. It is recognised as a source of inspiration and hope, especially by those trying to resolve their own conflicts. Even though huge progress has been made we need to strengthen the process and we also have to tackle outstanding issues in all parts of the agreements.”

“It is high time that the Irish language act is introduced,” she continued. “There is no doubt that there is ignorance and a lack of understanding about the importance of Irish and our culture. Equality and parity of esteem need to be at the centre of our society.

“It is extremely regrettable for us that former US special envoy Richard Haass' proposals were not accepted as this was a real attempt to come to a compromise on these issues. But with the support of the European Parliament I am confident that we can move forward together and build a hopeful future for everyone on the island of Ireland.”

GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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