GUE/NGL MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament Dimitrios Papadimoulis has hit out against the fear campaign being led by the European Commission as a clear attempt to stave off a SYRIZA win at the next Greek general election – which looks increasingly likely to be held within weeks.
And now it seems that even MEP Olli Rehn – the former Economic and Euro Commissioner – has distanced himself from the Commission's scaremongering claims that a SYRIZA win would lead to instability in the Eurozone and a Greek exit from the common currency.
Directly addressing Olli Rehn, Papadimoulis said: “Mr Rehn, over the last few days there has been scaremongering and propaganda that a SYRIZA victory in the possible upcoming national elections in Greece would cause Greece’s exit from the euro and a major disaster for the Eurozone itself. What is your comment on this fear campaign?”
Olli Rehn replied: “Greece has had a difficult time as we all know; now it is growing again. I have no intention to interfere in domestic politics of Greece; my understanding however is that both SYRIZA, and Mr Tsipras are committed to the membership of Greece in the Eurozone, very clearly committed to that and that's what counts. I also understand that the very heavy debt burden of Greece has to be somehow restructured, rearranged, for instance by prolonging the maturity of the loans and not necessarily touching the capital.”
Watch the video (For subtitles, press CC on the video)
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Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
David Lundy +32 470 85 05 09
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group