
GUE/NGL MEPs have spoken out against Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker's idea of creating a common European army in the strongest possible terms last night.

“The reference to European values by the European Commission President is being used to promote the creation of an EU army with a view to sending a clear message to Russia.

After the EU and NATO's enlargement policy towards Eastern Europe, the pushing through of the Ukraine association agreement, including its military integration into the CSDP structures and activities against all odds, this proposal only contributes to further escalate the situation in eastern Ukraine.

It is also an attempt to cover-up the increasing militarisation of international relations and NATO-US-EU aggression in Eastern Europe and elsewhere using ambiguous propaganda about the defence of so-called European values. The EU already has enormous military capabilities at its disposal, such as the 'Battle Groups' and it is spending billions of euros from people's pockets every year to carry out military missions outside Europe. All this is taking place jointly with NATO and for the benefit of the military-industrial complex.

Instead of sabre-rattling, what we need today is a purely civilian and peaceful foreign policy which is inclusive and does not exclude Russia as has been the case up until now.  An EU-army would not contribute to peace but would be a further step towards the militarisation of EU foreign policy beyond any parliamentary control.

The European Union does not need 'EU armies' or NATO. It needs strategic cooperation, solidarity and peace, and to combat unemployment and poverty.”

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