
Statement by Gabi Zimmer, President of the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament

Greek proposals are on the table! The time to act is now!

With its latest proposals, the Greek Government has taken a giant step towards its creditors. In doing so they have responded to all those who still believe in a Greek government that is supposedly resisting reform.

A fair agreement must be reached with a strong commitment to reducing Greek public debt so as to become sustainable, a commitment to midterm financing and a strong development package. The creditors and the Union as a whole are called upon to act, regardless of whether they like the Greek government or not.

The Heads of State and Ministers of Finance must not let themselves be blackmailed by a few fiercely right-wing opponents and must follow the path of reason.

The SYRIZA Government is the first elected Greek government which is in a position to start reforms for sustainable development in Greece and to break away from the old elites.

If the institutions refuse an agreement now, it is clear that that they do not care about a solution. All they want is to get rid of the only left government in the EU.

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