
Today in the European Parliament, MEPs, NGO activists, public officials and diplomats from around the world are gathered for a conference ahead of the COP21 meeting in Paris next month.

Participants in the one-day conference are discussing expectations around the COP21 and a civil society roadmap to seeking better outcomes from the Paris meeting, as well as climate campaigns and real climate solutions from local communities around the world.

Themed 'No nonsense, no excuses – only real climate solutions' the conference participants are engaging in open discussion and debate throughout the day.

The conference will not only address European concerns, but will take a global approach focusing also on the concerns of poor and marginalised communities around the world who will be among the first and hardest hit victims of climate change.

Swedish MEP, Malin Björk, commented: “The Left has a long tradition of international solidarity and climate change is not different from other reasons to act in solidarity.”

“We have to realise that EU member states are among the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases – not individual people, but the countries in general. It is the biggest emitters who need to cut their emissions the most.

“The Left needs to continue its engagement on climate change because we know that structural problems need structural solutions,” concluded Ms Björk. 

Keynote speaker and Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Helen Slottje, told the conference: “Real climate solutions will require decisive, bold and radical action. Real climate solutions must be driven from the bottom up, by people and communities just like us. It won't be easy, but we cannot afford to lose.”

The conference is organised by the Nordic Green Left which is part of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) group in the European Parliament.

View the conference programme: http://ee-gue.spade/news/article/press-conferences/ngl-climate-conference-no-nonsense-no-excuses-only-real-climate-solutions

GUE/NGL Press Contact:
Nikki Sullings  +32 22 83 27 60 / +32 483 03 55 75

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