
Resistance and Unity: Solidarity with Latin America and ALBA

Is the emancipation of Latin America at risk?

Participants: INTAL or Initiative Socialist Cuba, João Pimenta Lopes (PCP-GUE / NGL), Xabier Benito Ziluaga (PODEMOS-GUE / NGL), speaker Brazil – José Reinaldo Carvalho, speaker Cuba – Norma Goicochea Estenoz, speaker Venezuela – Claudia Salerno Caldera, speaker Bolivia : Rene Marcelo Orellana

Muntpunt, Muntplein 6 – Place de la Monnaie, 1000 Bxl

Introduction: Socialist Cuba Initiative or INTAL (5 min)

Speech : Ambassador of Cuba – Norma Goicochea Estenoz -12 min

Speech : Brazil – José Reinaldo Carvalho – journalist, head of International Relations of PCdoB  – 12 min

Xabier Benito Ziluaga – Deputy PODEMOS – GUE-NGL (3 min)

Videos – Brazil

Carina Vitral Costa, President of the National Union of Students (UNE), 4 min.
All for Democracy – Artists from Brazil United against the Coup

Speech: Ambassador of Venezuela to the EU, Belgium and Luxembourg – Claudia Salerno Caldera – 12 min

Videos Venezuela

João Pimenta Lopes – Deputy PCP – GUE / NGL (3 min)

Minister of Planification and Development from the Republica of Boliva – Rene Marcelo Orellana

Questions and discussion

20h30 End

For more information please contact: [email protected]