
GUE/NGL MEP Estefania Torres – in Marrakech this week as part of the official delegation of the European Parliament attending the COP22 climate summit – reacted with repulsion to reports that Donald Trump plans to pull out of the Paris agreement once he takes office as US President:

“The election of Donald Trump is a tragedy for the planet. His attitude is not surprising given that he denies the mere existence of climate change. While countries like Japan are setting ambitious targets to cut carbon emissions by 26 per cent others express the intention to break their commitments with total impunity.”

“This possible backtrack by the United States poses many questions such as the relevance of signed agreements and binding commitments between countries. There is a risk to render the emissions agreements of little utility.”

Torres added that “it is now up to the EU to fight for a just energy transition.”

It has become clear at the summit that China’s position is softening and that, together with the EU, there are opportunities to influence developed countries.

The Climate Action Network (CAN) acknowledged this morning that Trump could jeopardise funding to fight disasters in developing countries. Torres believes that it is necessary “to be prepared, since it is expected that 2017 will be a year of new temperature records with the poorest people the hardest hit. It is natural that for a billionaire like Donald Trump this is not a concern,” the Spanish MEP reasoned.

“When we talk about climate change, we also talk about hunger and poverty. We speak about political will to eradicate them or to remain accomplices to this unjust system. These summits won’t serve their purpose unless we stand up to these challenges and fight against unelected petrol companies that want to co-opt these spaces,” Torres concluded. 

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