Webinar – 15 Oct 2020, 15:00
The number of posted workers is constantly increasing in the European Union. Most of the time, these workers are in very vulnerable situations (language barrier, no knowledge of the legislation of the host country, no unionization). In this context, it is challenging to inform these workers about their rights and to protect them from various forms of exploitation. There is a need for strong preventive measures to avoid cross-border posting abuses and fraud. Social security agreements should improve control measures on posting exploitation and the report of the European Commission on the enforcement directive should take in consideration concrete measures to protect workers’ rights and the fight against discrimination. This initiative will bring together trade unions, posted workers and MEPs to better understand the situation from a grassroots perspective and to question discriminatory practices.

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Download the study by Marco Rocca: Extending the principle of equal treatment to posted workers (English)

Download the study by Marco Rocca: étendre le principe d’égalité de traitement au détachement des travailleurs (French)



Interpretation: English, French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese

Introduction : Nikolaj Villumsen, MEP Enhedslisten -Denmark

I – Posting, labour law and social security: state of play

  •  Cristian (Romanian posted worker)
  •  Manuela Paraschiviou, trade unionist (FILLEA CGIL, Italy)
  •  Simon Redder Momsen, Head of EU-secretariat, 3F – United Federation of Workers in Denmark
  •  Rui Arrifana (ACT, Portuguese Labour inspection)

Q&A – witness accounts, reactions

II – Labour mobility without discrimination: proposals & alternatives

  • Marco Rocca, PhD: presentation of a study on labour mobility & equal treatment
  • Leïla Chaibi, MEP France insoumise, France
  • Marc Botenga, MEP PTB, Belgium
  • Nikolaj Villumsen, MEP Enhedslisten, Denmark

Q&A – witness accounts, reactions

Conclusion: Leïla Chaibi, MEP France insoumise, France