The Left condemns Turkey’s recent deadly attacks in the Kurdish regions of Iraq and Syria and demands that the EU react firmly to this aggression.

Air strikes have targeted civilian infrastructure such as hospitals, killing dozens, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The Erdoğan regime called the attacks “revenge” for the appalling bombing in Taksim, Istanbul. However, this justification is yet another pretext to attack the Kurdish regions again. Seeking to distract from deepening economic troubles, the Turkish government has turned to warmongering. We stress that international law and the principle of sovereignty should apply whether or not the aggressor is a NATO member. The EU must end its double-standards and use all means to put an end to the aggression of Erdoğan’s government. The EU cannot turn a blind eye while innocent Kurdish lives become an instrument of propaganda, in an attempt to gain votes and secure an election victory for a rotten regime.

Özlem Demirel (Die Linke, Germany) said: “Erdogan’s latest statements about a possible ground offensive show that the regime is willing to expand its bellicose actions in time and space. Therefore, a strong and decisive condemnation of the recent bombardments is of utmost importance.”

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Özlem Demirel