

  • Fundamental rights,
  • Human rights,
  • iran

Parliament votes today on a joint resolution on the EU’s response to the protests and executions in Iran.

We demand an end to the death penalty. The Iranian regime imprisons people with dual citizenship and uses them as leverage in foreign policy.
The UN must investigate human rights violations.

Our solidarity goes to all those in Iran fighting for their social, political and sexual rights. The European Union must consistently support all those fighting for their basic rights..

Untargeted sanctions also hit Iranian civil society hard and eroded economic conditions in the country. Future sanctions must therefore be subject to a harm analysis that ensures that civil society is not significantly affected by them. We demand targeted sanctions against the regime’s political elite.

Certain forms of inter-parliamentary dialogue must be suspended for the time being. However, the severance of all diplomatic relations is not expedient.

The same goes for the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA): In the medium term, maintaining the JCPOA is a vital prerequisite for peace in the
the Middle East and North Africa.

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