

  • spain

The Left in the European Parliament endorses the Sumar platform. As fellow advocates for workers’ rights, feminism and climate justice, we stand with Sumar in these crucial times and commend its dedication to tackling both inequalities and climate change.


We are living in a decisive moment that demands changes in our lives and our societies. A reality tackled head-on by Yolanda Díaz and the Ministries headed by Podemos and Izquierda Unida, who have played a decisive role in the Spanish government in response to these challenges. First, by advancing social reforms and deploying a progressive response to the cost-of-living crisis, notably by increasing the minimum wage by 47% over five years, but also by boosting key welfare programmes. This government has been one the first to force energy giants, banks and the rich to contribute to the recovery by creating a tax on windfall profits. It has also been clamping down on fake self-employment in the gig economy and has advanced workers’ rights in labour law. It has been at the forefront of the global feminist struggle, putting women’s rights and the fight against patriarchy at the centre of the political agenda, expanding abortion rights and the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community.


Such social advances were only possible because Left members of the government from Podemos and Izquierda Unida raised the level of ambition to achieve those results. Deputy Prime Minister Diaz played a particularly crucial role in promoting equality in all its facets. Sumar will now continue this project by bringing these parties and many others behind a single banner as a broad movement.


For all these reasons, The Left group is proud to count among its members Spanish representatives who played a key role in the creation of Sumar and are now fully involved in the campaign. We commend their hard work in developing a progressive programme that resonates with our values.


Now that the struggle has reached a new phase, it is more essential than ever that political platforms like Sumar are strengthened to embody the alternative against divisive right-wing rhetoric and policies. The risk of a new right and far-right government in power – in a context where they are starting to govern together at local and regional levels – is real and demands a strong response. Success in these elections would be a victory and a positive signal for the progressive movement across Europe against the alarming widespread convergence of the European right and far right.


Therefore, we extend our best wishes to all the inspiring Sumar candidates and activists and trust that their hard work to serve the people will connect strongly across the state.


Throughout the campaign, we will actively support Sumar and reaffirm our commitment to the shared principles of justice, equality, and solidarity. Together, we can work towards another Spain, another Europe, in the interests of all.

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