

  • Agriculture,
  • biodiversity,
  • Climate,
  • environment,
  • farmers,
  • fisheries,
  • nature restoration

Left to intensify effort alongside climate movement and farmers for best possible outcome in talks.

With 336 votes against 300 votes, the European Parliament has saved the Nature Restoration Law. A majority of MEPs voted today to move to negotiations on the text with the other EU institutions after a right and far-right alliance failed to kill the text.

Reacting to the vote, Left MEP Mick Wallace (Independents for Change, Ireland) said: “I’m pleased with the outcome of the final vote in the sense that the regulation lives to fight another day. In that sense it is a good day for the people of the EU, for nature and for farmers. But the text passed by Parliament today has been absolutely gutted. It’s a shell of the Commission’s proposal. We are approaching the sixth mass extinction according to scientists. The science is absolutely clear, the biggest threats to our food security and to the future of agriculture are the climate and biodiversity crises, and the nature restoration regulation is crucial to address both. I am hopeful we can fix some of the problems with the text during negotiations with the Council but it will be an enormous task.”

MEP Silvia Modig (Left Alliance, Finland): “I am relieved and satisfied. The European Parliament has shown that it cannot be blackmailed, that right-wing populism, disinformation, and manipulation by EPP leader Manfred Weber have no success. The majority of the Members of Parliament have decided to act in favor of facts, reason, and for the benefit of nature and people.
Weber has suffered a severe political setback. He has maneuvered himself into a dead-end, going against all reason, scientific facts, the Commission, and a majority of EU member states.
The uniqueness of this law is that it benefits everyone: farmers, fishers, and all citizens. The twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss urgently require an integrated response that weaves together climate adaptation, nature restoration, and growing social inequality. This piece of legislation has the potential to radically strengthen climate resilience ensuring a liveable future for the generations to come.

But let’s be honest: there is still much work to be done. The mandate was saved today, but it needs to be significantly improved. We will advocate for negotiating a Nature Restoration Law that makes our environment more resilient against drought, floods, and heat. A law that makes our cities more livable and supports farmers.”

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