
GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer has congratulated Greek MEP Dimitrios Papadimoulis on his successful re-election as one of 14 Vice-Presidents at the European Parliament:

“On behalf of GUE/NGL, I offer our warmest congratulations to Dimitrios on being elected as Vice-President of the European Parliament for the second time.”

Dimitrios has a proven track record in public duty and has served this Parliament with honour and decency. We have no doubt that he will continue to do an excellent job as one of the Vice-Presidents of this house,” added Zimmer.

Speaking after his re-election, Papadimoulis said:

“I would like to sincerely thank my political group as well as MEPs from across the political spectrum for the honour of being re-elected with an increased majority as Vice-President of the European Parliament.” 

“It is clear that we need to keep fighting from every available position to ensure maximum transparency and accountability, democratic practises, real representation and pluralism within our Parliament. For a stronger and more democratic European Parliament and another Europe.”

“As a member of the Bureau of the European Parliament, I will work for a Europe that needs to change quickly and drastically. It must become more democratic, social and be more appealing to citizens,” concluded Papadimoulis.

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