

8th of February:

2.30-3pm: entrance of the visitors/guests

3 to 3.30pm: general introduction by Neoklis Sylikiotis  Vice -president of GUE-NGL

3.30pm-6.30pm: First panel 

Municipal action for employment, industry and defense of social rights.

Unemployment, de-industrialisation, precariousness, attacks against social rights and trade-unions have huge consequences on local municipalities. In direct contact with people, the municipalities are struggling against these measures to build alternatives. In different countries, municipalities are helping to resist, innovate in their policies for local development and support the initiatives of different forces in society. 

The idea of this first panel is to exchange information, to evaluate the possibilities and the obstacles and reflect on effective common action on this crucial question.  

3.30pm-3.40pm: Introduction by one MEP (10 min max): Angela Vallina

3.40 pm-4.30 pm:

6 speakers (8min max each)

– Geert Asman, PTB, Municipal Councillor, Zelzate (Belgium)

– Maximino García Suárez, IU local councillor (Morcín, Asturias) (Spain)

– Jean-Paul Lecoq, PCF, Mayor of Gonfreville l’Orcher, Seine Maritime (France)

– Carlos Humberto Carvalho, PCP, mayor of Barreiro (Portugal)

– Oihane ZABALETA Councilor of the municipality of Urretxu / Eneko ETXEBERRIA Mayor of the municipality of Azpeitia (Bildu -Basque Country)

Moderation by a MEP: Martina Michels

4.30pm-5pm: coffee break

5pm-6pm: debate

Moderation by a MEP: Martina Michels

First interventions:

– Gianni Porta, member of the national direction of ANCI (Italy)

6pm-6.15pm: conclusion of the first panel by Eleonora Forenza (10min max): 

6.15-6.30pm: technical information

6.30pm-7pm: working group of REALPE open to all members of GUE + to REALPE responsible to see what will be the follow-up of the initiative (in front of the group room) 

7.30pm-9pm: informal “aperitif” 


9th of February:

9am-9.15am: Introduction by one MEP (10 min max): Dimitrios Papadimoulis

9.15am-10.15 am: 

Intervention of Giorgos Katrougkalos Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Greece (10min)

5 speakers (10min max each)


– Stavros Yerolatsites, AKEL, Municipal Councilor, Strovolos, member of Committee of Regions (Cyprus)

– Knut Mildner-Spindler, City councillor of the Berlin city district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Director of the department for employment, citizens' services, health and social issues 

– Linda Fleetwood member of the regional parliament and regional government of Kalmar Län/ Yasmine Posio Nilsson, member of the local parliament of Gothenburg,  Left Party (Sweden)

– Elena Coccia, Rifondazione Comunista, member of Naples metropolitan city council (Italy) 

– Katopodis Grigorios, mayor of Vironas (Greece) 

Moderation by a MEP: Lidia Senra

10.30-11h45: debate  

Moderation by a MEP: Lidia Senra

First intervention: Medhi Mokrani, PCF, Vice mayor Ivry-Sur Seine, Franc

11h45-12h: conclusion of the second panel by one MEP (10min max): Marie-Christine Vergiat

12h-12h15: general conclusion and declaration by a MEP: Miguel Viegas 

12.30am: end of the conference


For more information contact: [email protected]