
On the eve of the CETA vote,

MEPs Anne-Marie Mineur (GUE/NGL), in cooperation with Maria Arena (S&D), and José Bové (Greens-EFA), invite you to the conference: 

European Parliament, Strasbourg, Tuesday 14th February at 15:30,
Room S.2.1

After Trump’s election, there are more reasons even to oppose CETA.
And if the European Parliament does not reject this harmful agreement this week, the peoples or the judges will do it later.

With participation of guest speakers:

– Blair Redlin, Canada, Co-chair of the Trade Justice Network, and former researcher of the Canadian Union of Public Employees

– Dániel Fehér, Campaign Manager of the European Initiative “Stop TTIP & CETA”

– Joan Josep Nuet i Pujals, MP of Catalunya for CETA free Regions and Cities

– Mathilde Dupré, (Institut Vleben) on SMEs

– Roelien Knottnerus, researcher from SOMO

followed by an open debate.

For access to the European Parliament, please send the following form before Monday 12th February noon : click here