
09.00 – 09.15: Opening by Gabi Zimmer President of GUE/NGL and Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice President of the European Parliament, GUE/NG, Greece.

09.15 – 10.45:  How did we deal globally with public debt in the past and what we learned? 

Chair: Stelios Kouloglou, Vice-Chair of the Development Committee, GUE/NGL, Greece.


•     Ann Pettifor, Director of Policy Research in Macroeconomics, City University, London:

•     Pedro Paez: Professor & Former Minister for Economic Policy Coordination of Ecuador

•     Philippe Lamberts, President of the Greens/EFA Group, Belgium.

•     Lucio Pench, Director DG ECFIN, European Commission


10.45 – 12.15: Proposing solutions for the public debt crisis in Europe.

Chair: Eleonora Forenza, MEP, GUE/NGL, Member of the Committee on International Trade, Italy

•     Greece: Nikos Christodoulakis, Professor Athens University of Economics and Business & Former Minister of Finance and Economy of Greece.

•     Greece: Marica Frangakis, Nicos Poulatzas Institute, Athens

•     Italy: Thomas Fazi, Journalist &, Author of 'The Battle for Europe: How an Elite Hijacked a Continent – and How we Can Take it Back'.

•     Pervenche Beres, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, S&D Group, France


12.15–12.30: Conclusions by Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice President of the European Parliament, GUE/NG, Greece. & Marisa Matias, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, GUE/NGL, Portugal


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