

9:00h. Welcome and opening, Estefanía Torres, Podemos MEP
Health, environment and rights. 'Food citizenship' facing
the crisis of the global agri-food system

9:05h. Carmen Lozano and Cristóbal Gómez-Benito, Spanish National Distance Learning University.

9:25h. Presentation guest MEP
Local and global struggles for new production and consumption patterns
9:35h. Cristina Agrillo, Slow Food Italy
9:55h. Jaime Izquierdo, Asturias, Spain.
10:15h. Tom Andrews, Soil Association and Sustainable Food Cities. UK
10.35. Franziskus Forster, La Vía Campesina, Austria

10:55h. Coffee break

11:15h. Presentation guest MEP
The role of cities and states in food policy. From the Milan Pact to the recognition of the Right to Food
11.30h. Teresa Artigas, Zaragoza City Council
11:45h. Mireya Royo, Valencia City Council
12:00h. Laura Jiménez, Cadiz City Council

12:15 h. Coffee break

12:30h. Carlos Pereda and Maby Cabrera, Madrid City Council
12:45h. Gustavo Duch, Barcelona City Council

Food Sovereignty and the Role of the State: The Case of Bolivia
13:05h. Nestor Gabriele Bellavite – Ambassador of Bolivia to the European Union
13:30h. Discussion table
13.55h. Special thanks and next steps, Estefanía Torres


Languages: ES, EN, FR

For more information please contact: [email protected]