
Gramsci in translation: Crisis, hegemony and revolution in today's Europe

Wednesday 18 October – 14.30-20.00 (ASP 1G2)
Welcoming greetings Gabi Zimmer
Introductory remarks  Eleonora Forenza



1) The neo-liberal hegemonic apparatuses: European governance and the nation-state
Chair: Marisa Matias (MEP GUE/NGL – Bloco de Esquerda)
Fabio Frosini (University of Urbino – Igs Italia)
Guido Liguori (University of Calabria – President Igs Italia)
Dolores Morondo Taramundi (University of Deusto – Bilbao)

2) People, populisms, (inter)national-popular: From subalternity to self-determination
Chair: Nikos Kountis (MEP GUE/NGL – Popular Unity)
Massimo Modonesi (National University of Mexico – Igs)
Maite Mola (Vice-President of the Party of the European Left)
Panagiotis Sotiris (University of Athens)

Coffee break

3) How is common sense shaped today? Mass media and the struggle for hegemony
Chair: Curzio Maltese (MEP GUE/NGL – Altra Europa)
Montserrat Galcerán Huguet (Complutense University of Madrid)
Samuele Mazzolini (University of Essex)
Paula Velasco (University of Sevilla)

General discussion

Thursday 19 October 15-18.30 (ASP 1G2) Final round table
One century after October 1917: the method of revolution today
Chair: Eleonora Forenza (MEP GUE/NGL – Altra Europa)
Francesco Campolongo (Partito della Rifondazione Comunista)
Valentina Cuppi (Igs Italia)
Brais Fernández (Viento Sur)
Gianfranco Rebucini (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales –EHESS – Paris)
José Sarrión Andaluz (Izquierda Unida)
Peter D. Thomas (Brunel University – London)
Miguel Urbán Crespo (Podemos)

General and open discussion
Final remarks: Eleonora Forenza (MEP GUE/NGL – Altra Europa)

For more information please contact: [email protected]