
European Parliament 29-30 November 2017
Room ASP1G2
29 November 16.30-18.30


16.30 welcome by Gabi Zimmer- GUE/NGL President

·         Joao Pimenta Lopes, GUE/NGL Vice Président EUROLAT
·         Harry Antonio Villegas Tamayo,  «Pombo»
First panel: The Impact of the Blockade on Cuban Society and on human rights

Moderator  Marina AlbiolGUE/NGL MEP IP Spain
Dr. Eugenio Selman-Housein Sosa,  Director del Cardio Centro William Soler Cuba
Luciano Vasapollo professor of economy Rome Università La Sapienza,  Nuestramerica
Second panel: The illegal extraterritorial application of Helms-Burton Act and its implications for the EU

Moderator: Eleonora ForenzaGUE/NGL MEP Altra Europa Italy
Eric David- Prof. Em. International Law Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Oscar Luis Hung Pentón,Vicepresidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Económicos de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. Cuba
18.30-19.00 Tribute to Che Guevara, with Camilo Guevara y Harry Antonio Villegas Tamayo, «Pombo»
20.00 Dinner and cultural event in cooperation with Cubanismo
30 November 9-11

A European campaign against the blockade

Moderator: Estefania TORRES -GUE/NGL mep Podemos Spain
Solidarity movements and associations from all Europe.
Javier Couso Gue/Ngl Mep- Vice president Cuba friendship group in the European parliament


Norma Goicochea Estenoz-Cuban Ambassador / Head of the Mission to the EU
Luciano Iacovino – La Villetta -Italy
Isabelle Vanbrabant – Cubanismo- Belgium
Pedro Noronha- Vice president AAPC-Portugal
Silvia Roman Asosacion Ernesto Che Guevara-Spain
Heike Hänsel MeB Netzwerk Cuba- Germany. 

To register email [email protected]