
The GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament urgently calls on the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, to condemn the acts of violence that occurred on December 29th in the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó in Colombia. We also ask her to urge the Colombian government to respond to the international community regarding the serious situation of human rights violations in that country.

Specifically, the EU should publicly condemn the paramilitary attack that took place in the central settlement of San Josesito (Apartadó), in which several people were injured. According to complaints made by the Community, a criminal incursion by an armed commando arrived with the explicit intention of assassinating the Legal Representative of the Community, Germán Graciano Posso.

The progressive intensification of threats has been denounced for weeks but there was no reaction or protection on the part of State institutions. It is thus urgent that the EU reacts to this serious failure to protect this community and so many others, in breach of agreements.

We the undersigned MEPs demand a firm declaration from the High Representative and call on the Colombian Government to carry out all relevant investigations to clarify these regrettable events.



Javier Couso Permuy

Paloma López Bermejo

Angela Vallina de la Noval

João Ferreira

João Pimenta

Miguel Viegas

Barbara Spinelli

Merja Kyllonen

Luke Flanagan

Stelios Kouloglou

Sabine Losing

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