

The Left group in the European Parliament will be in Sofia tomorrow 20/04 to learn more about the current situation in Bulgaria during its EU presidency.

*A press conference will be held on 20/05/18 at 13.00 in Sofia Hotel Balkan, pl. “Sveta Nedelya” 5 with interpretation available in Bulgarian, English, French and Greek.

The focus of debates will be on issues surrounding democracy, the rule of law, fundamental rights, inequalities and the rise of the far right both in Bulgaria and the wider EU.

Amongst the participants are representatives of the Bulgarian Left, civil society, NGOs, officials, local trade unions and the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee.

Kostadinka Kuneva MEP (SYRIZA, Greece), who is Bulgarian by birth and was born in Silistra on the Danube, will be co-hosting the event and speaking ahead, she said:

“As the Left in Bulgaria is not represented in the European Parliament, it is important for GUE/NGL to hear what the Left and other progressive forces, activists and civil society have to say on the challenges of Bulgaria which, even though it currently holds the EU presidency, it remains the poorest member state in the Union.”

“But poverty is not the only problem in Bulgarian society. Despite the fact that I was elected in Greece, I was born in Bulgaria and I keep close ties with my homeland. I therefore know about what is happening there. Having GUE/NGL in Sofia thus offers the opportunity for my colleagues to get a fuller picture of what is at stake in Bulgaria,” she said.

Details and programme available here

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