
REALPE Initiative

28th of June 2018

room ASP 1G2

8h30- 9h: welcoming/entrance of the guests

9h-9h30: general introductionbyGUE/NGL Vice-chairMEPNeoklis Sylikiotis

9h30-12h30: First panel on the Europeans Funds which can be used by local/regional authorities

GUE/NGL MEP Dimitris Papadimoulis and MEP Martina Michels

9h30-10h: Thomas Wobben, Director for Horizontal Policies and Networks in the Committee of the Regions on the different European funds and how they can be used 

10h-10h30: question time

10h30-10h45: coffee break

10h45-11h15: The interventions of representatives who can explain to us how they used the European funds in a progressive/left way.

Xosé Lois Piñeiro, major of Pobra do Caramiñal, Galiza

Nikoletta Renesi – Associate to the General Secretary of Public Investments & NSRF, Ministry of Economy & Development, Greece

11h15-12h30: debate

12h30-13h: POINT OF INFO/ALERTIntervention of GUE/NGL REGI MEPs on the Future of Social Cohesion Policy, the reduction of budget and its impact on local/regional authorities. 

13h-14h30:Lunch time (GUE-NGL will provide the lunch)


14h30-17h30:Public services and their access in the local municipalities

14h30-16h:Second Panel: The battle for territorial equality and the access to public services for all, including in rural areas 

First part: The access to transports and public investments in infrastructures (such as education) 

14h30-15h15: intervention of the speakers:

Introduction:GUE/NGL MEP Tania Gonzalez

– Juliane Witt, municipal councillor for further education, culture, social affairs and facility management in the district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf of Berlin (Germany)

– Mar Blanco Casais, local councilor of A Estrada, Pontevedra (Galiza)

– Ricard Riol, president of the NGO “Promoció del Transport Public” (Catalonia)

– Yiannis Tsionas, CEO Thessaloniki Transport Organisation (Greece)

– Inger Stenlund, Member of the local parliament and the local board of Sorsele (Sweden)

15h30 – 16h: debate. Conclusion: GUE/NGL MEP Lidia Senra

16h – 16h15: coffee break

16h15-17h15: Second part: The right to water 

16h15-16h45:intervention of the speakers:

Introduction:GUE/NGL MEP Lynn Boylan

– Stravros Yerolatsitis, Head of the Local Authorities Bureau of CC AKEL (Cyprus)

– Daithí Doolan, member of Dublin City Council, Sinn Féin (Ireland) 

– José Luis Caravaca, mayor of Castro del Río, IU (Spain) 

– Christian Pellicani, metropolitan concellor of Aix-Marseille, President of National Movement for Environment (MNLE) by video (France)

– Nikolaos Sakoutis, municipal councillor, member of the governing board of the Central Union of Municipalities (Greece)

16h45 – 17h15: debate. Conclusion:GUE/NGL MEP Marie Christine Vergiat

17h15-17h45:Special point on Depopulation

– Eulalio Fernández, from the University of Cordoba (Spain) on depopulation

Follow by an exchange of view

17h45-18h30:Conclusion of the meetingGUE/NGL MEP Angela Vallina


For more information please contact: [email protected]