

Impact of EU External Action in the Horn of Africa:

Addressing criminalization of refugees and impunity of human trafficking 

Hosted by the GUE/NGL Group

Thursday 28 June 2018

09:30 – 13:00

European Parliament, Brussels

Paul-Henri Spaak Building – Room 6Q1


French & English

NB:Registration for this event is required. If you do not have an accreditation to access the European Parliament, please send your name, passport numberand date of birthby 21 June 2018 to [email protected]

People without European Parliament accreditation are expected to register at 9:00amat the Esplanade in front of the stairs at the Altiero Spinelli Entrance, facing Place du Luxembourg

Preliminary Programme 

9:00 – 09:30


9:30 – 09:45

Welcome by Marie-Christine Vergiat (MEP)

09:45 – 10:00

Documentary excerpt: story of an Eritrean survivor

10:05 – 10:45

Panel and discussion

Opening by Stelios Kolouglou (MEP), Moderator

Human trafficking and human rights in Eritrea, and the role of NGOs

Sara Prestianni – ARCI

Sudan and the Khartoum process

Christian Jakob, journalist Tagezeitung

EU migration policy and its effects on Eritrean refugees

11:00 – 11:15

Intermission: documentary excerpt, ARTE documentary

Meron Estefanos, activist and journalist

Human trafficking in Libya: the situation of refugees and sanctions for human trafficking

Mirjam Van Reisen – Professor Leiden University, Tilburg University, Director of EEPA

Criminalisation of refugees and impunity for human trafficking: a resolution in the European Parliament

11:45 – 12:00

SVT documentary: Hunt for “The General” – The case of Medhanie

12:00 – 12:45

Questions and discussion

Moderated by Barbara Spinelli (MEP)

Panel and discussion

Closing remarks

Mirjam van Reisen 

Marie-Christine Vergiat (MEP)




For more information please contact: [email protected]