Today marks two years since Putin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. On this dark anniversary, Ukrainians must know we will not abandon them.

On this day, we reiterate the condemnation, in the strongest possible terms, of Putin’s attack on Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. This is a war of aggression, which constitutes a severe violation of international law, in particular the UN Charter. 

Russia must withdraw military forces from Ukraine, immediately stop all hostilities, bombardments and attacks against civilians, and comply with its obligations under international humanitarian law. Those responsible for war crimes must be held accountable in accordance with international law. 

Our solidarity and support go to the courageous people in Russia and Belarus protesting Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. We urge EU member states to protect and grant asylum to Russians and Belarusians persecuted for speaking out against or opposing the war, as well as to Russian and Belarusian conscientious objectors. EU protection and asylum must also be extended to Ukrainian deserters and conscientious objectors. 

The EU must refrain from entering into a terrible game and allow Europe to be transformed into a battlefield in the long term. We must prevent further military escalation. 

The United Nations and its member states must accelerate their efforts to launch the political dialogue and mediation needed to prepare for ceasefire and peace negotiations. We call for the EU to focus on supporting the negotiation process and backing the UN Secretary-General’s attempts to find diplomatic solutions. 

On the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, now more than ever, there is a need for urgent, intensive and sustained diplomatic efforts to immediately end the war in Ukraine and stop the suffering of the Ukrainian people. 

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