

  • Agriculture,
  • Climate,
  • environment,
  • pesticides,
  • SUR

Christian Democrats, Liberals, and far-right parties joined forces to dump the pesticide reduction law. The Left continues to fight for toxin-free agriculture and a poison-free environment.

A majority of Christian democratic, liberal, and far-right Members of the European Parliament blocked the establishment of a European pesticide reduction law on Wednesday. The law was significantly weakened during an extensive voting process. The obligation to reduce agricultural pesticide use by at least 50% by 2030 and the requirement to reduce the use of hazardous agricultural pesticides by at least 65% by 2030 were voted down. Restrictions on toxin use in sensitive natural areas were completely removed from the law by the right-wing bloc. As a result, the pesticide reduction law was watered down to such an extent that even green and progressive Members of the European Parliament could no longer support it. Consequently, a majority of the European Parliament voted against the law.

“Today, right-wing and far-right parties have chosen to increase agricultural toxins in our environment and living spaces. They have clearly aligned themselves with the pesticide industry. This is a disastrous decision for our environment and the health of humans and animals. The only beneficiaries are poison manufacturers like Bayer-Monsanto and BASF, who have secured their billion-dollar profits for the time being. We will continue to fight for toxin-free agriculture and a poison-free environment,” said Left MEP Anja Hazekamp (Partij voor de dieren, Netherlands) in response.

The pesticide industry lobby’s aggressive attack on biodiversity and health has proven successful. To safeguard their profits at the expense of health and nature, they’ve poured record amounts into lobbying efforts. Corporate entities opposing the pesticide reduction law collectively disclosed a staggering lobby spend of 15 million euros (across various policy domains, including the SUR), for the most recent year available. This coalition comprises Bayer, BASF, Syngenta, and Corteva, along with their lobbying groups CropLife Europe and Euroseeds, in addition to COCERAL, CIBE, CEFS, Agriculture & Progress, and FarmEurope.

Left MEP Anja Hazekamp was involved in negotiating the pesticide reduction law. “Banning toxin use in agriculture is in the interest of citizens, farmers, animals, nature, and the environment. Agricultural toxins pollute food, soils, groundwater, and rivers. They kill animals, disrupt nature, and pose dangers to our health. Farmers and rural residents in particular are at an increased risk of falling ill due to the enormous amount of toxins used in their living environment. Moreover, much of our food contains residues of agricultural toxins, posing a danger to all of us. Research by the European Food Authority shows that around 40% of the food sold in the EU contains traces of toxins. These residues are found in vegetables, fruits, meat products, and eggs.”

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