
A group of Irish activists – Ballyhea Says No! – is in Brussels today to explain its case to the GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament, as well as to members of other political groups, and for a show of solidarity for the Greek people and to denounce bank bailouts and ensuing social injustices.

The activists have been protesting every Sunday since 6 March, 2011 against the injustice of the bond-holder bailout and Irish government measures, which were imposed on Ireland to comply with Troika obligations and guidelines.

Irish GUE/NGL MEP Luke 'Ming' Flanagan explains: “The final bill for the bank bailout was €69.7bn; the loans from the Troika in the Memorandum of Understanding came to €67.5bn – we know who bailed out who! The Ballyhea group is drawn from all political parties and none, from all political shades and none, but they are united by a common cause – to expose and right the grievous wrong that has been done to Ireland.”

He continues: “Just as with our brothers and sisters in the southern European countries, the ordinary people of Ireland have suffered enormously – and are still suffering – from the cuts and extra taxes resulting from the austerity measures imposed from inside and from outside.”

The Ballyhea Says No! group will offer its support for the Greek government and show solidarity between the peoples of Greece and Ireland during an activity at 2 pm on the esplanade in front of the ASP building.

GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

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