As Libya’s warring sides and foreign powers meet in Berlin for a crucial summit, GUE/NGL co-President Martin Schirdewan (DIE LINKE, Germany) urges them to make the best interests of the Libyan people and the respect of Libya’s sovereignty a priority:

“The ongoing civil war in Libya has shown how disastrous foreign intervention is to any country. The parties must agree to peace and reconciliation, and commit to building a sovereign and democratic Libya, for the sake of its people and the region as a whole.

“Considering how dire the situation is in the country, any sincere attempt at bringing peace to Libya and the respect for international law and human rights should be welcomed. The summit in Berlin must send a clear message that the international community and the European Union condemn any violation of international law and violence by foreign states and actors involved in the Libyan conflict. We call on all of them to immediately withdraw their troops from Libya and for a halt to the flow of arms to parties in the conflict.

“The Berlin summit must also consider the ramifications this conflict has had in the region more broadly, including on Greece which should have been invited to take part, and work to create the conditions for lasting solutions to allow for Libya to rebuild and thrive.

“Finally, the Left in the European Parliament expects this conference to take a clear stand in support of the human rights of migrants and refugees trapped in horrific conditions in Libya,” Schirdewan concluded.


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