
GUE/NGL MEPs said that only genuine and open cooperation as well as respect for democracy and fundamental rights will lead to progress in the European Security Agenda during a debate  in the European Parliament last night.

French MEP Marie-Christine Vergiat said: “All of those who live on our continent have the same rights, but measures must be well defined, we must make sure we do not take measures which will stigmatise the Muslim community. We must first evaluate the instruments we have, and replace them when they are insufficient.”

MEP Vergiat continued: “The EP resolution contains many points of progress but it does not go far enough in the balance between prevention and repression, safety and rights, particularly with regard to data protection.”

She concluded: “We need to offer more than smoke and mirrors. Without proper cooperation between and inside member states we will not see any genuine progress for citizens' security.”

For Greek MEP Kostas Chrysogonos: “The security agenda which we are discussing today corresponds to European citizens' genuine needs and wishes. However it is possible to have greater security and preserve fundamental rights, and to do this we need to respect democratic principles.”

“We need to have greater solidarity within and between European member states, not words of intimidation like those we have seen in the past few days. Europe needs correct itself, and adjust its course before it's too late.”

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