
Gabi Zimmer, Chair of the GUE/NGL in the European Parliament, reacted to today's presentation by the European Commission of its “better regulation” programme.

“The Commission has let the cat out of the bag. In future, Commission officials and accountants will take political decisions, not the EU's democratically-elected representatives. The Commission wants to determine on its own whether or not democratic regulations are effective for the internal market. It will even go so far as to let the Maternity Leave Directive, decided by the EP, to be taken off the table completely.”

Gabi Zimmer continued: “So-called “independent” experts will evaluate European legislation. From past experience we know that those experts are more expert in the costs for business rather than on the benefits to society. Better regulation must give humans, animals and nature better protection, not profits.

“The Commission wishes to promote small and medium enterprises. Under the pretext of efficiency and a reduction in bureaucracy, the health and safety of workers will be undermined. But why is the health of workers in small businesses less worthy of protection than those in large corporations? “

Gabi Zimmer concluded: “The Commission as 'guardian of the treaties' does not hesitate to break with the EU treaties. The principle of the “social dialogue” ensures that an agreement between the European social partners will be presented as a binding Directive. In the context of the REFIT programme, the Commission has already failed to present the agreement between the social partners in the hairdressing sector as a Directive. The Commission has broken a taboo and has unlawfully interfered with the autonomy of collective bargaining.”

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