
GUE/NGL MEP Marisa Matias has reacted to the tax transparency package unveiled today by European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici calling it a “masquerade”.

Marisa Matias said: “What the Commission presented today has existed since the 1970s and is nothing new. It will provide neither greater tax transparency nor tax justice.”

She continued: “In a moment like this with all the scandals about tax evasion and tax fraud, we still do not know how much money was lost. The Commission has promised more public information on the issue but we know that this will not be the case. If the Commission and the Parliament had really wanted to do something about it, we would have had a proper committee of inquiry into these scandals.”

She concluded: “This is just a masquerade. We will keep pushing the Commission and EU member states for more concrete action and for a more credible response to tax fraud.”

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