
GUE/NGL MEP Jürgen Klute has called for clear rules and clear enforcement to stamp out tax havens and tax evasion in Europe.

“Europe needs a commitment to OECD standards and a code of conduct. A thousand billion euro in avoided tax must be remedied; it is time to stop dithering.”

He was speaking in a plenary debate ahead of tomorrow's European Council meeting which will see member states discuss tax havens and tax fraud.

He continued: “Member states that avoid information exchange should be put on a blacklist which would deny them full access to the single market and EU subsidies. We need serious sanctions, including the revocation of licenses for institutions that are accessories to tax evasion. Taxes should be imposed on transactions involving tax havens.

“The EU and the member states should lead by example and this report points the way forward by calling on the usual suspects to put their houses in order. Aggressively low taxation levels are inappropriate.”

He also condemned the recent EU free trade agreement that was concluded with Peru and Colombia as it contains many loopholes for tax avoidance. “We should plug similar loopholes in the EU.”

GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
[email protected]
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