
GUE/NGL MEP Anne-Marie Mineur will represent GUE/NGL at the COP 21 in Paris next week as part of the European Parliament's official delegation.

On this occasion, the group has drawn up a manifesto on climate change, signed by 26 GUE/NGL MEPs, which she will bring to the conference.

Commenting on the event, MEP Mineur said:

“Working together is of utmost importance in the battle against climate change. As much pressure as possible from the outside is needed to make this climate conference a success.

“We need to ensure that the lobbyists attending the conference don't get the upper hand, especially at this particular moment in time when public activities and marches have been prohibited for security reasons. Hopefully, our manifesto will contribute to that end.

“Nonetheless, this cannot be the end point. As the representative of GUE/NGL, I will try to have our message heard in Paris and expose the harmful influence of the dirty energy corporate lobby.”

Merja Kyllönen, who initiated the manifesto, added:

“Only a very short time ago we were all watching events in Paris in horror. I do hope “Paris” will soon become a symbol for hope: hope that will be made a reality; the climate conference that grasped the opportunity to save the world.

“A strong sense of responsibility is needed from our leaders. I urge them to set binding targets now”.

To see a copy of the GUE/NGL manifesto and our message via a short animation film, click here.

GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

Nikki Sullings + 32 483 03 55 75

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