
Commenting on the European Council, GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer said: “The citizens had indirectly the chance to decide about the Commission president, it was a small step, but it was a step in the right direction. But EU leaders have confirmed our fears and even this small piece of added democracy was sacrificed for their own vanity. Thanks to them everything is decided behind closed doors, damaging once again the reputation of the institutions.”

Zimmer continued: “Amid all the daily discussion about 'top jobs' and Jean-Claude Juncker, there has been no discussion of alternative EU policy or opening up the EU institutions closer to the citizens.

“We reiterate that the future Commission President must put an end to attacks on social rights, the dictates of Troika policies, and the undemocratic TTIP negotiations. We need to lay the foundations for socially and ecologically sustainable development. Jean-Claude Juncker is clearly not the right candidate to implement such changes.”

Commenting ahead of next week's Strasbourg vote on Parliament's President, Gabi Zimmer emphasised her support for GUE/NGL MEP Pablo Iglesias.

“With Pablo Iglesias from Podemos, we would give a voice to the majority of people in Europe who feel unrepresented, those who seek an end to austerity and an end to the reign of neoliberal political elites. Podemos, as a new member of our group, stands for real radical change in the EU, an EU of solidarity and democracy that puts citizens before the interests of big business.”

GUE/NGL Press Contact:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
[email protected]
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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