
Senra remarked: “The partial decriminalisation of men's violence in Russia is terrible news for all women. Any kind of aggression against women is an attack on human rights in general.

“Domestic violence – even when it doesn't cause serious physical damage – is still a crime. It produces suffering and it is an attack on our self-respect, health and rights.          

“Decriminalisation is a step backwards which reinforces the misogynist idea that women belong to men and that men can end our lives if they want. It will only fuel this violent attitude which leads to the deaths of more women every day.

“Last week, five women were murdered in the Spanish state. That is enough. We must have zero tolerance for this. No aggression should go unpunished.”

While the European Parliament and its Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality have been asking for comprehensive EU legislation to address violence against women and gender-based violence for many years, the Commission has yet to come up with a legislative proposal.

“We need to move from words to deeds on this issue. I call upon Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová, to mobilise all means at her disposal – including for the development of a European directive – to put an end to violence against women,” concluded the Galician MEP.


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