
Dutch MEP, Anja Hazekamp, said: “Endocrine disruptors are everywhere: in cans, plastic bottles, cosmetics and on sprayed fruit and vegetables.”

“Breast cancer, testicular cancer and fertility problems are just three of the many diseases people can get from the exposure to these substances,” she added.

MEP Hazekamp underlined: “The Commission’s negligence in this case is a scandal and a serious threat to the protection of humans, animals and the environment. For now the Commission has narrowly escaped a Motion of Censure. But if it continues to refuse to protect public health, a new Motion of Censure will be on the table before summer.”

Czech MEP, Kateřina Konečná, reiterated the Commission’s failure to comply with its obligations and stated: “As a result, half a billion EU citizens have been exposed daily to these substances three years longer than they should have been.”

“Because the Commission failed to insist on scientific criteria – she added – the European Parliament has to solve the problem of the re-authorization of dangerous substances and act like both a detective and scientist while trying to protect the health of European citizens.”

Konečná concluded: “If ever the Commission lost its credibility, it would be in its approach to this case.”



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