
This morning, Commissioner for Climate Action & Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, had to answer the oral question on ‘Compensation for wrongly labelled energy-related products’ during the European Parliament’s plenary session.

Cypriot MEP, Neoklis Sylikiotis, author of the question on behalf of GUE/NGL, affirmed: “We need to ensure an energy labelling system that consumers understand which includes all the necessary information. We therefore welcome the proposals included in the final agreement to delete the misleading symbols and move to a simple A to G labelling system.”

He explained how this proposal will also contribute decisively to promoting innovation to increase energy efficiency: “As a matter of fact, pressure will be put on producers and retailers who will aim to rank their products at level A.”

“Consumers have the right to have clearer indications of the energy performance of a product in order to be able to make conscious choices, saving both energy and money.

“Unfortunately, the timetables set for the positive proposals included in the final agreement will not be implemented in the immediate future, but instead after eight to ten years. This is very disappointing and is an important reason for reconsidering the agreement,” he emphasised.

He also called for immediate compensation to be given to consumers who have been cheated by buying products with the wrong energy label. “Although this proposal was not included in the final agreement, it must be implemented immediately.
“We therefore welcome the Commission's statement to investigate possible compensation for consumers who have been cheated by energy labels. However, the Commission must further clarify the precise measures it intends to take, including the timetable for these actions, in order to deliver on its commitment.”

Czech MEP, Jaromír Kohlíček also welcomed the proposal of the rescaling of the labels from A to G to avoid confusion amongst consumers. However, he explained that “since the implementation of rescaling has been pushed back for so many years, the GUE-NGL Group will abstain in the final vote on the proposal.”

Spanish MEP, Xabier Benito Ziluaga affirmed: “High efficiency and environmental standards are what make our industry competitive and drive innovation. This will increase added value and finally transform our industry into a less polluting sector, in line with the climatic needs.”

“The rescaling of labelling will allow us to reduce our consumption and therefore decrease our energy bills. Again, what is good for the environment is also good for our pockets,” Ziluaga concluded.


GUE/NGL Press Contact: Nikki Sullings
STB +33 3881 76723 | BXL +32 228 32760
mobile +32 483 03 55 75
[email protected]

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