The vote (without preliminary debate) on the proposal for revision of the directive on environmental impact assessment of major private and public projects, added to the agenda of this EP plenary session at the last minute (4 September) at the request of rapporteur Andrea Zanoni (ALDE, Italy – ENVI committee), has been postponed at the request of Nikolaos Chountis (GUE-NGL, Greece), rapporteur for opinion for the Committee on Petitions (PETI). Taking the floor shortly before the vote, Chountis called for a proper debate. The subject is particularly important, he said, arguing that as rapporteur for the PETI committee, he had observed that 85% of petitions concern this issue and compliance with the requirements of legislation, especially on public participation. He added that Parliament was being put under pressure (see Europolitics 4701 and 4706) and that it is «essential» for the assembly to debate this matter in plenary and hear the Commission.
He therefore requested postponement until the first session in October, which the plenary accepted.