
Brussels 25/02/2016


Spanish MEP Paloma López stressed today the importance of defending “fair mobility for workers” within the EU during a debate in Brussels on the European Network of Employment Services (EURES). This should protect the fundamental right of workers to free movement, which she described as “the last progressive pillar of European integration”, that “must be strengthened” and “guaranteed”, especially when the Council of the EU seems to be willing to make some critical concessions in order to keep the UK inside the EU.

“Over a year ago we started talks on re-launching the EURES network, on the basis of the Commission's proposal”.  A proposal which “was made to measure for private employment services and to force, rather than support, the mobility of workers”.

Instead of that, “we have managed to build something completely different”, said López. “A network that will support fair mobility of workers, in cooperation with the social partners and with public employment services in a central role”.

The Spanish MEP also warned against the UK's attempts and attacks on the right of free movement of workers in the context of the negotiations with the Council and called the EP “to send a clear message supporting fair mobility”.

And not only that, “there is still a lot to do”, she added. “We must end the neoliberal policies that force millions of Europeans to migrate and ensure the full recognition of the social rights of workers residing in another state: otherwise the right to free movement of workers will be nothing but empty words”.

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